There are many extra curricular activities available at Crestwood High School.
Crestwood High School provides opportunities for playing in a variety of ensemble situations, catering to players of different levels of ability. Our regular ensembles consist of a concert band, jazz ensemble and junior rock ensemble. For more information see the bands page.
Pines cafe
Pines cafe is a program that has been developed by Crestwood High School to train students as baristas. This successful program was established in 2006 and we have trained over 300 students. The aim is to connect the students to the school and give them skills they can use in the future. For more information see Pines Cafe page
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh award is a voluntary enrichment program that invites young people to participate in a series of personal challenges in four areas: fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. For more information, see the Duke of Edinburgh page.
The drama faculty is keen to have students showcase what they have learnt through the year. For more information, see the drama page.
Games Group
The games group provides an opportunity for students to get together with their peers and play a variety of board-, card- and roleplaying games in a supervised environment. Games develop and exercise the social, logical and problem-solving skills which help students to excel. For more information, see the Games page.
Peer tutoring
Year 10 and 11 students are trained as tutors in a TAFE (technical and further education) accredited course to improve reading for targeted students. See the peer tutoring page for more information.
Public speaking and debating
Debating is a fun and engaging activity that allows students to develop their speaking and presentation skills. It is also a way for students to showcase their talent for speaking in public. See the public speaking and debating page for more information.