The support unit at Crestwood High School has five trained special education teachers and five student learning support officers (SLSO).
Our school has five classes for supporting out students:
- one class for students with autism
- one class for students with a moderate intellectual disability
- three classes for students with primarily physical disabilities.
At the start of every school year, each student has a planning meeting with teachers and their parents or carers to address their educational and personal goals, and an individual education plan (IEP) is developed.
Annual reviews to discuss student progress and appropriateness of student placement within the support unit are conducted in the final term of the year.
Programs on offer
- Comprehensive educational and vocational programs. Students in the support unit complete a life skills school certificate (ROSA) and higher school certificate.
- Classrooms which utilise a variety of technology from computers to assistive devices. They include iPads, computers, laptops, desktop computers and modified switches.
- Independent living skills programs based on students needs and abilities. We currently provide travel training, community access, shopping skills and money management.
- Work experience programs with selected disability sector enterprises.
- Access to TVET (technical and further education vocational and educational training) and discrete TAFE (technical and further education) courses for selected students.
- Integrated sport and specialist sporting events happen throughout the year. Students participate in swimming, athletics, wheelchair football and wheelchair soccer carnivals.
- Post-school transition program for Year 12 students which helps them to understand national disability insurance scheme (NDIS) and ageing disability and home care (ADHC) funding procedures and make appropriate choices for post-school service providers.