The Crestwood High School student representative council (SRC) is a peer-elected group which represents the student body. Key issues concerning students' welfare and concerns are debated and then put into motion if required.
Elected members discuss issues raised by the student body with the school's executive team and represent students on important school committees.
Students also organise fundraising activities for charity based on the interests of students at Crestwood High School. This important task has helped many groups and individuals and raises awareness of the importance of community support for others in need. The SRC is elected in Term 3 for the duration of one year.
SRC structure
- 5 members elected from Years 7 and 8
- 6 members elected from Years 9, 10 and 11
- 12 representatives including in that number the school captains vice captains and house captains.
For further information contact Ms April Adams, the coordinating teacher.